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  • Makhtar DIAGNE's avatar
    Java11 (#41) · d3ea578b
    Makhtar DIAGNE authored
    * [TECH] Nginx add referential apps
    * [TECH] Fix theme default logo
    * [TECH] Fixes from PR review
    * [TECH] Strange fixes for ui-referential (why was it working)
    * Update ui/ui-frontend/projects/identity/src/locale/messages.xlf
    Co-authored-by: default avatarCouzinieAtCines <>
    * [TECH] Merge fixes
    * compilation works
    * it runs
    * fix login/pwd authentication
    * handle provided username
    * some refactoring
    * login/pwd + authn delegation works (with or without service)
    * surrogation works
    * change password is triggered when the user is already authenticated using the doChangePassword parameter
    * password management
    * final tests on surrogation
    * WIP MFA
    * MFA works
    * [TECH]  Update project from JAVA8 to JAVA11 with dependencies
    * [TECH] Remove unused jks files in integration data
    * fix back links
    * don't lost surrogation when bad password
    * [TECH] CAS set metrics dependency for prometheus
    * clean Spring config and open management endpoints
    * fix surrogation lost on bad password
    * [TECH] Configure Prometheus for SpringBoot services
    * [TECH] Use smtp4dev in our dev environment
    * [TECH] RPM update jdk from 1.8 to 11
    * [DEVOPS] Fix unknown variable vitamui_services.x.dir.assets
    * [DEVOPS] Update scripts for deployment
    * [DLAB-3453] Update operation in order to extend it
    * [DLAB-3453] Remove priority on OperationStatus
    * [US DLAB-3806] Add pdf generation with images[US DLAB-3806] Add TU on PDF generation
    * ⅜TECH] Fix merge deployment task
    * fix session hard timeout instead of idle timeout
    * upgrade to CAS v6.1.6 and pac4j v4.0.0
    * [TECH] CAS Security : add hostnameverifier optional property, activated by default
    * [devops] add validation of java 11
    * [DEVOPS] Fix vitam-ui dpeloyment
    * [WIP] Upgrade logstash config according to Java 11
    * [TECH] Update deployment
    * [TECH] Security / Authentification : Fix  token increment
    * [TECH] Fix deployment maven build
    * RABB-519: corrige l'erreur en cas de ticket expiré
    * [TECH] Remove compiler overloading in cas server pom
    * [DEVOPS] Improve mongo deployment
    * [TECH] Update nginx conf in order to view objects
    * [devops] add tags for service installation
    * [DEVOPS] Add vitamui uninstallation
    * [devops] put consul as vitam service
    * [TECH] Frontend : Some cleaning & optimization
    * [TECH] FIx ui frontend plugin & configuration
    * [TECH] Fix recette configuration
    * [TECH] CAS : Set default data for twilio account
    * [TECH] Fix deployment uninstall when file is absent
    * [TECH] Cas : fix war build with tomcat dependencies
    * [TECH] Fix ui frontend plugin and configuration (bis)
    * [TECH] CAS 6.1.6 : update static templates, js & add theming variables
    * [FIX RABB-579] Fix error sending mail from iam-internal
    * [TECH] Frontend use assets from ui-frontend-common & update branding
    * [FIX RABB-539] Handle redirections for CAS Authentication failure
    * [TECH] Frontend : add gzip compression
    * [TECH] Uninstall remove assets
    * [FIX RABB-555] Fix cas deployment config and password init for a new user
    * [TECH] Fix merge
    * [TECH] Fix merges
    * Update Jenkinsfile
    Changed label from "contrib" to "java11" for building purpose
    * Update Jenkinsfile
    * fix cas-server dependencies, styles ui-ref, deployment archive
    * fix test iam-internal
    * redo tar.gz
    * zip deployment
    * add prod profile for frontend
    * fix maven-assembly-plugin version and webpack profile
    * Try generating zip package archive
    Co-authored-by: default avatarMakhtar DIAGNE <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarCouzinieAtCines <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarJérôme LELEU <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarMathieu Leguay <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFranck Bebel <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatardeviller <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarThierry Devillechabrolle <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarapp-jenkins <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGaëlle FOURNIER <>